Blogged with Flock
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Menace of Brain Drain
Brain drain is a hard nut to crack for the developing countries because it generates intellectual dearth by depriving the country of its brilliant people. These geniuses use their energies and talents to serve the interests of the country where they immigrate to satisfy their personal ambitions and life long aspirations. The loaded industrialized countries have more job opportunities than the cash-strapped unindustrialized ones that entice their pitiable dwellers to leave their motherland with a ray of hope for a bright future. The well-fixed states accommodate these intellectuals to suck the talent of the budding nations that are already facing numerous complex predicaments. The urbanized countries in the past plundered the wealth of the frail nations under the guise of monstrous colonialism and now they have framed WTO to pillage their resources in an elegant way. But more important than economic exploitation and political marginalization is the continuous denuding of these unfortunate countries from the asset of their gifted inhabitants through tinselly and rolled-gold Machiavellian techniques. This one way flow of prowess has nurtured the fat countries by making the intellectual field of the emergent nations bleak and barren. It is crystal clear that only shining lights and salts of the earth can unfetter their native lands from the quagmire of twiddly national issues to make jogging strides.
Unending ambitions and unemployment compel the people to leave their motherland to settle where they can get jobs and well-blubbered salaries. Volatile law and order situation also results in exodus of the well-read people. Authoritarian regimes that cramp freedom of expression and suppress internal liberties to firmly grab the bridles of power are also a leading cause of brainpower sap. Favoritism, nepotism and sleaze shatter the confidence of the people in the institutions. These malpractices generate frustration in the proficient community members by trampling meritocracy. A country where merit is thrown to the sharks to nurture dishonesty cannot make any headway in the welter of the contemporary melting pot. These unfair practices push the endowed natives to try their fate somewhere else where they see a glimmer of anticipation for due esteem and outstanding career.
Thousands of doctors, engineers, charted accountants, teachers and other dexterous members of the developing countries work like a beaver to appear in the professional entry examinations of America, Canada, Australia, New Zeeland and the European countries. These well-lined countries select the luminous candidates and push the rest of them to their native countries as the sugarcane juice machine throws the trash away after squeezing the juice. The people on whom opportunities smile spare no effort to permanently settle in the well-heeled states. Some of them are left with no other option but to arrange a genuine or counterfeit paper marriage to get nationality. Scores of them use unfair means to acquire fake documents to escape from the clutches of law enforcement agencies. Thus the scrawny countries from where these connoisseurs get education are left high and dry that continuously adds to the melancholies of their citizens resulting from the vicious cycle of brain drain. The nation-states where they immigrate wring their every grain of energy to pay them dazzling dollars, pounds and euros. Thus the shine and warmth of the glittering coins ensnare the overambitious individuals of the fleeced countries permanently. They never slither out of the cocoon of this illusory trap that did not permit them to think about the miseries and agonies of their countrymen scrapping the bottom of the barrel. The illustrious poet Allama Iqbal fittingly attributed:
Nazar ko kheera karti hai chamak tehzib hazir ki
Ye sannai magar jhoote nigoon ki reza kari hai.
(The flamboyance of the contemporary civilization appeals the eyes, this artisanship is but the decoration of counterfeit pearls.)
In all the developed countries the social status of the specialists is very high. They are called men of brain and the governments give them due respect and bulky salaries so that these geniuses can devotedly serve the interests of their country by putting their foot down. But in most of the developing countries the social status of the bureaucrats, politicians and brass hats is tremendously up-scale. Several professionals sacrifice their line of work by joining authority related jobs or migrating to affluent countries triggering an unbridled ferocious phase of intelligence consumption. It is the power based social structures that compel the people to change their vocation. Some of the newly recruited officials start calculating the money they can churn out through dishonest means even before joining the post. Due to this grim scenario the development in these countries is still in the doldrums.
Pays of the civil servants who serve their vested interests more than the public are not different from the other government officials of the same rank. But every regime takes it for granted that they would compensate through jobbery and embezzlement because they have huge public funds at their disposal. Graft of the government officials in Pakistan is as common as water in the Amazon. The perks and privileges enjoyed by the civil and military bureaucracy cannot be even dreamt of by any other profession in the country. As most of the bureaucrats marry in well-to-do families therefore they need enormous amount of money to maintain their social status and their pay is just the tip of the iceberg of their massive expenditures. Therefore, they are left with no other option but to grease their palms.
Lack of self-reliance is the key factor for the perpetual miserable condition of the developing countries. They have shoddily botched to harness the talent of their masses that is mandatory to develop political and economic sovereignty. Therefore, they have been economically browbeaten and politically sidelined in the constellation of the nations by the giant nations. The colossal nations practice democracy within their borders but outside their boundaries they preach egalitarianism but carry out rigorous feudalism to calculatedly keep the Third World countries in a state of torpor so that they cannot challenge their writ and thwart hegemonic designs in the global affairs. They have deliberately fashioned a global economic system based on interest and exploitation that does not permit the growing countries to become self-sufficient. Majority of the hard up states are ruled by despotic rulers pampered by the alligators of the potent states. Only the brilliant persons engrossed in patriotism can change the destiny of a sloth-rumpled and sleep-crumpled nation by guiding them to become independent by smashing up the begging bowl. The inhabitants of the budding nations should hammer into their minds these radiant words:
When beggars extend their bowl they don’t feel shy,
But the pleasures of independence they never enjoy;
They degrade themselves for a square meal,
Physically they live but morally they die;
True spirits of life are in self-reliance,
Because remedies in ourselves often do lie.
There is gross institutional decay in the developing countries. This miserable state of affairs is most suitable for cultivation of deceitfulness, duplicity and double standards in the scam-spattered society. Dynamism of institutions is obligatory to build the trust of the public in the state functionaries. But in the dictatorial states their despotic rulers ruin the institutions to toughen their steely grip on the bristles of authority. These totalitarian potentates are not accountable to anyone. They squash the nations for their luxurious activities. The teeming millions of these unfortunate countries hope against hope for a final reprieve. Thus autocratic regimes cancel out the chances of success for the competent people that compel them to settle in a country where their talent and flair would be appreciated. The countries where personalities and pressure groups are more powerful than the institutions cannot compete with the nations where the circumstances are entirely round the clock.
The emigrating of highbrow persons perpetually generates intellectual deficit in the emerging states that thrust them further backward. Only the geniuses can liberate the nations from the intricate dilemmas. Therefore, in order to bulwark the menace of brain drain there is screeching need to bring forward the men of brain rather than empowering men of brawn that can only worsen the already grim picture. If the dwellers of weedy states want to make any headway in the present whirlpool then they should provide due respect, perks and privileges to the genuine intellectuals so that they gird up their loins to devotedly serve their indigent nations. In this way the peril of continuous talent loss can be averted because it is rightly said that brains like hearts go where they are appreciated. It is mandatory for the progressing nations to overhaul all institutions of their states. While appointing heads of various institutions meritocracy should be the supreme criterion instead of approach and corruption because an honest chief can inject vibrancy in the organization by curtailing the peril of rampant sleaze. A bolt upright official at the helm of affairs can plug loopholes in the institution through candid pragmatic steps. A country dangerously suffers where unbridled bribery is socially acceptable because it wears down the moral fabric of the nation. William Shakespeare (1564–1616), English poet and playwright, precisely said in his Sonnet 94 (1609):
“For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds:
Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.”
Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.”
Dr Tanvir Hussain Bhatti
Columnist, Poet and Author of the Book “What Plagues Pakistan?”
Blogged with Flock
Thursday, December 27, 2007
She is sure dead, but are we alive?
It's the question that is haunting me. Can we really call ourselves alive if "we can't do anything". Do we have the right to call ourselves alive? Do we know what this word "life" means? Amidst all this chaos and confusing news of Benazir's death, numerous other news were in circulation. Whether there's going to be another emergency declared is a waiting game now. Would elections make any sense now, even though US has given stern statement that elections should go ahead as planned. There's a set of burning questions, but as I watched different news channels (as i really didn't know what else to do) constantly showing the same footage everywhere, there was an unmistakably distinct pattern i saw even though i was passively watching everything. Four different people said something live on tv, within a time window of 10-15 minutes. These four people are geographically and mentally well apart apparently. US president George Bush, UK Prime minister, Brown, Afghanistan's Karzai, and finally Pakistan's Musharraf. They all said exactly the same words about the incidence. Now this could have been a coincidence for sure, but I dont' know. Each one of them used two keywords "cowardly act" and their favorite term "terrorists". There was an unmistakable correlation between the short statements issued by the "gentlemen".Rise of Pakistan
There's another incidence that happened. I had an argument with my dad. I wouldn't like to quote the naivety of my dad's philosophy, but in short his philosophy stinks of helplessness. It promotes an absolute submission to the global tyrants of this world. I say if we are just waiting for the bullets to come into our own homes one by one and rid us of our lives, we are absolutely dead already!!! If helplessness is all we as humans can achieve in the absence of a gun in our hand, then everything Iqbal has said in his poetry, everything Allah has said in the Quran is false. It is absolutely false, if it is only God that can change things now!!
Blogged with Flock
Monday, December 24, 2007
Good-by, proud world, I'm going home,
Thou'rt not my friend, and I'm not thine;
Long through thy weary crowds I roam;
A river-ark on the ocean brine,
Long I've been tossed like the driven foam,
But now, proud world, I'm going home.
Good-by to Flattery's fawning face,
To Grandeur, with his wise grimace,
To upstart Wealth's averted eye,
To supple Office low and high,
To crowded halls, to court, and street,
To frozen hearts, and hasting feet,
To those who go, and those who come,
Good-by, proud world, I'm going home.
I'm going to my own hearth-stone
Bosomed in yon green hills, alone,
A secret nook in a pleasant land,
Whose groves the frolic fairies planned;
Where arches green the livelong day
Echo the blackbird's roundelay,
And vulgar feet have never trod
A spot that is sacred to thought and God.
Oh, when I am safe in my sylvan home,
I tread on the pride of Greece and Rome;
And when I am stretched beneath the pines
Where the evening star so holy shines,
I laugh at the lore and the pride of man,
At the sophist schools, and the learned clan;
For what are they all in their high conceit,
When man in the bush with God may meet.
from: Emerson, Ralph Waldo.
Thou'rt not my friend, and I'm not thine;
Long through thy weary crowds I roam;
A river-ark on the ocean brine,
Long I've been tossed like the driven foam,
But now, proud world, I'm going home.
Good-by to Flattery's fawning face,
To Grandeur, with his wise grimace,
To upstart Wealth's averted eye,
To supple Office low and high,
To crowded halls, to court, and street,
To frozen hearts, and hasting feet,
To those who go, and those who come,
Good-by, proud world, I'm going home.
I'm going to my own hearth-stone
Bosomed in yon green hills, alone,
A secret nook in a pleasant land,
Whose groves the frolic fairies planned;
Where arches green the livelong day
Echo the blackbird's roundelay,
And vulgar feet have never trod
A spot that is sacred to thought and God.
Oh, when I am safe in my sylvan home,
I tread on the pride of Greece and Rome;
And when I am stretched beneath the pines
Where the evening star so holy shines,
I laugh at the lore and the pride of man,
At the sophist schools, and the learned clan;
For what are they all in their high conceit,
When man in the bush with God may meet.
from: Emerson, Ralph Waldo.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Bleak outlook for Muslim youth
Bleak outlook for Muslim youth By Abu JamalIQRA Islamic Magazine, The News International
There is much talk about 90 million Muslim youth of Pakistan under 25 years being riddled with many problems; who carry a bleak outlook, no vision to shape the future, lack of income, insecurity and constant agitation of the sexual instinct; who often resort to crime, idleness, delinquency and who lack in moral values, which shape a healthy society; who find a secular system run by twisted mentalities, disregarding the agenda of Allah (swt) and instead promoting the agenda of Western norms and values.
A freelance journalist working for an NGO in Pakistan stated in March 2001 "The potential of our youth needs to be channeled in the right direction. Education alone can do this. Gender discrimination ought to be discouraged, as the boys of today would be husbands and fathers of tomorrow. More recreational, entertainment and employment opportunities need to be created for them to reduce their frustrations and feeling of uselessness... The hooliganism that took place during the recent(World Music) festival in Lahore is ample proof of the fact that our youth need more such opportunities to get used to the idea."
Dangerous concepts from one representing a dangerous organisation indeed! whose only solution would be for our youth to taste more of this filthy KUFR, in which freedom of choice allows our youth to shamelessly dance on a platform under the banner of pop culture, alcohol and drugs; where gender discrimination is promoted in an environment that nurtures lewdnesses and agitates the sexual urges where even men target men under the spotlight of liberty.
The issue that more education needs to be parted is a cover to promote the agenda of the kuffar, so that they maintain a physiological grip over the minds. One does not need eyes to observe that the majority of the participants were youth groomed at the best educational institutes in Pakistan and abroad. So, what type of education is the author presenting? The education that promotes free mixing with a hint of deliberate match making! where the social atmosphere that is available clearly demonstrates flirtatious gestures and the attainment of material prestige as the only outlook in life.
Due to the onslaught of secularism, young people in the Western world became the advocates of the sexual revolution. Aided by the government, the birth control pill was introduced and later the legalization of abortion. Family values deteriorated, marriage became outdated. Childbirth decreased and the divorce rate accelerated. "Egg freezing" became a service enabling women to pursue careers without having to sacrifice their natural craving for children. Today every Western university promotes the gay and lesbian culture through a society who proudly call others to join them. We need to ask ourselves "Is this the direction we would like our youth to take?"
It is true that every system in society has a magical effect upon the people, to influence their thinking and behaviour. Today in Pakistan, we need not judge our youth in a superficial light deeming them to be the cause and effect of all the evils in society. When things go terribly wrong and the society becomes plagued with illegitimate children, alcohol abuse, homosexuality and selfishness like the society in the Western world, ask any parents " Did you teach your child all these things?" They will most certainly answer "no". So the question arises "Then who did?"
The promiscuousness and misadventure, which run loose in our youth, are merely the result, the outcome of a deliberate attempt by the Western policy makers through our rulers to enshroud this Ummah with their way of life. So that the youth, (our future) become lame empty vessels drained from the energy to carry Islam, burdened with the joys of indulgence. As mentioned by Allah (swt) "O you who believe! Take not into your intimacy those who are outside your ranks! They will not fail to corrupt you. They only desire your ruin. Rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their hearts conceal is far greater. We have made plain for you the signs, if you have wisdom" (TMQ 3:118).
It is no wonder that every Internet cafe is packed with chat line dating and access to explicit materials. And that every educational institution becomes a playground for romance. All this so that we never realise our own purpose in this life, being to implement Islam and guide the rest of mankind to the Deen of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) stated "Judge between then by what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires but beware of them lest they seduce you from some part of that which Allah has revealed to you" (TMQ 5:49). Therefore, our rulers should beware and fear Allah (swt) the next time they give permission to such like events at Al Hamra. What was it that seduced them away from ruling by what Allah (swt) has revealed. Don't they realise that one-day they will have to answer to him.
In one hadith Muhammad (saw) said that this Deen of Islam is carried on the shoulders of the youth, and we saw the glory of that era where the early Muslims embraced Islam in it's entirety because the Islamic State was able to lift the intellectual level of those new Muslims. This developed in them the Islamic Aqueeda, which became an ideological basis upon which all concepts were founded. As a result, Islam took them from ignorance to the firm rational belief, from the declined behavior to the refined actions, which were pleasing to Allah and his Messenger (saw) and broadened their horizons not only for their day and age but also up to the Day of Judgment. Islam made them believe in the hereafter and led them to imagine it with conviction and concern, firmly establishing the concept of reward and punishment emanating from actions. So they conceived it as being the real life and this led them to acquire a true meaning of life and a real value to live it knowing the path to another happier and eternal life was looming over the horizons.
They held life with open arms and did not neglect it. They took its means and enjoyed the pleasures and the wealth that Allah (swt), the one who set up this life and who determined its criteria and true perceptions. Before Islam their criterion of life was based on benefit, this benefit was the only motive and the main aim of their actions. Then the criteria of their actions changed and came to be based on what is halal and what is haram. These criteria became the driving force behind their actions, and its guidelines were according to what Allah (swt) has commanded and prohibited. The aim of directing their actions was to obtain the pleasure of Allah (swt). Islam gave the people a true meaning of happiness, because true happiness means total and permanent peace of mind and this can never be achieved merely through satisfying the material pleasures and desires. It can only be achieved through obtaining the pleasure of the Lord of the Universe.
Today or tomorrow, whether the kuffar like it or not, our youth will rise from under the rubble of secularism and will represent the Khilafah (Islamic State) and they will look beyond the horizons of the artificial borders drawn up for them. That system too will have a magical effect upon the minds of our youth and they will focus all their energies to liberate mankind from the folds of economic slavery and maximized oppression. They will unify with the millions of voices across the Muslim world, at the forefront of the call to unify under the Khilafah System, the shadow of Islam which is soon to engulf the whole of mankind. The call is ever bounding and the echoes being received by our youth, it's only a matter of time before we establish that Khilafah that Muhammad (saw) foretold and at the same time our noble youth can fulfill the words of the blessed Messenger (saw) who also said " This Deen is carried on the shoulders of the youth".
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Protecting the child
Protecting the child By Muhammad Ali AlkhuliIQRA Islamic Magazine, The News International
Islam looks at the woman as a wife and a mother. In contrast, some non-Islamic societies look at the woman mainly as a female at the expense of her role as a wife and her role as a mother. As a result, Islam shapes instructions to suit the woman's role as a wife and the woman's role as a mother, because the family needs a wife dedicated to her husband and a mother dedicated to her children.We said that Islam blocks the way to illegitimate children by blocking the ways leading to illegal sexual intercourse. This is one way to protect the child.The second way to protect the child is to protect the family. When marriage takes place, a new family is established. When children are born, the family grows in number. Islam protects the family from divorce, which damages all the members of the family.Islam does not allow the husband to intermingle freely with other women so as to protect his relation with his wife. Islam does not allow the wife to intermingle freely with other men so as to protect her relation with her husband.In Islam, the husband is wholly tied to his wife and the wife is wholly tied to her husband. This is the only way to protect marriage from divorce, to protect the family from destruction, and to protect children from fatherlessness, motherlessness, or both.In contrast, in societies that allow the two sexes to intermingle freely, there are two main problems. First, in such societies there are many cases of illegal intercourse and illegitimate children.Secondly, marriage does not live long and divorce is the end of most marriages. Of course, divorce is not only the end of marriage, but also the beginning of problems for the ex-husband, the ex-wife, and their children.I must admit that although the Western countries are scientifically and technologically progressive and are sensitive to statistics related to industry and economy, they do not show the same sensitivity to statistics related to social life. When a Western economist considers the figures and numbers of a certain economy, he concludes something about that economy. In contrast, when a Western sociologist or psychologist considers the statistics of divorce in his country, he concludes nothing.In some Western countries, 60 per cent of marriages end up with divorce. What does this mean? It simply means that the social structure there destroys marriage and that the Western way of life nowadays leads to the destruction of marriage and the destruction of the family.This result is not difficult to expect. In the West, the two sexes mingle freely; alcohol is drunk as frequently as water; women are almost naked everywhere. The result of this mixture is clear.In some non-Islamic countries, the formula now is this: males + females + alcohol + feminine nakedness = illegitimate children + destruction of marriage + homeless children.In contrast, the Islamic formula is exactly the opposite: males separated from females + no alcohol + feminine decency = legitimate children + protection of marriage + protected children.I think it is time for Western specialists in psychology and sociology to look into the statistics about their social diseases and to compare these statistics with others in Islamic countries in order to have a practical clue about the difference between Islam and non-Islam.Islam protects the child by protecting the family and by protecting marriage. Islam guarantees a true father and a true mother for every child and thus secures the psychological health of the child.
Blogged with Flock
Saturday, December 1, 2007
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